
Monday 5 January 2015

Downgrading RPD version to support for Older version of Admin Tool

This is a very recent issue, one of my friend came across when he is doing some development activity with RPD. Lets get to the point directly,he has taken a RPD from Prod environment..which is (V 320) to a development box where the installed client is 318).

As usual he tried opening the RPD with the Admin Tool , it threw an error as below

"[nQSError:36010] Server version 318 cannot read the newer version 320 of the repository"

Expected right , now lets see how this can be solved without changing the installation or having a new intsalltion which is always having Management problems.

The only way is to bring the RPD to a lower version, this can be done usingnqgenoldverrpd.exe utility provided along with the installation.

This file is avilable in the below location


Syntax for this utility

-P (RPD Password)

-I (original rpd file)

-O (RPD filename of the required version)

-V (Version you need)

Now lets say the RPD names are

Original RPD file (V 320) - DemandPlanning_BI002.rpd

RPD Filename of required Older version (V 318) - DemandPalnning_BI002oldver.rpd

so now lets write the command for this process of downgrading.

nqgenoldverrpd.exe -P Admin123 -I D:\DemandPlanning_BI002.rpd -O D:\DemandPalnning_BI002oldver.rpd -V 318

Last step is to run the command using the utility nqgenoldverrpd.exe,

Go to command prompt (Windows+R ==> type cmd ==> ENTER)

go to the nqgenoldverrpd.exe file location


paste the command and hit enter.....You're done.Now you will have a new RPD file with lower version in the specified location


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